In this 21st century, everything need to deal with technology. Without ICT knowledge and skill, nothing is going to happen as we expected. Even our learners, they learn faster and have taking keen interest to use the electronic gadgets to learn any subject contents.
Therefore, to materialized the goals, a teacher must be equipped with technology and should have sound knowledge of ICT.
So, keeping in mind of all those needs, I decided to take ICT session in my final Degree course. For definite, the course was very challenging and I feel it is very complex in learning compare to other modules because it requires good basic skills and extensive practice. Very interestingly, we the final DE candidates challenge to complete the six months ICT course within 12 hours. Thus to meet the standard of ICT degree course, our tutor, effortlessly dedicates his time to shower us all the required basic skills and knowledge. Besides, he manages the time to demonstrate and conduct practical session too. Since, I have passion of learning ICT, I was able to grab little basic skills and able to do animation when making the power point. I have acquired little skills and knowledge to prepare the teaching learning materials integrating the ICT. However, listening to my friends conversion and critically realizing on my session, I am not confident that I can do good of integrating ICT as expected by my module tutor. Anyway, if i have will, I think there is way for me to succeed and learn more about ICT. Well, for future improvement, I would like to recommend following points.
1. Conduct more practical sessions instead of focusing on theory part. The theory parts may be deliverd in jest or can up loaded in VLE so that candidate can read by themselves.
2. Institute ICT as compulsory module, because now a days ICT becomes part and parcel in our day to day teaching and learning.